The boy's a.k.a.'s:
My favorite boys are obviously (Brandon) Boyd and Mike
Michael Aaron Einziger a.k.a.:
From Fungus amongus-Salsa
From S.C.I.E.N.C.E.-Jawa
From Make Yourself- none new
From Morning View-none new
Brandon Boyd a.k.a.:
From Fungus Amongus-happy knappy
From S.C.I.E.N.C.E. - none new
From Make Yourself- Invisible Floating Torso Man
From Morning View-none new
The Boys Thoughts:
Brandon on joining the band:
"I'd never sung a musical note in my life before joining this band. It never occurred to me to sing in a band until these guys came up to me in the cafeteria at lunch time. It really was the classic high school band scenario."
Incubus on their name incubus:
They have since cleared up the meaning behind their name by stating:
"We really didnt want to rape woman in their sleep. But, we were fifteen and it seemed harmless to us then, and we never changed it."
Boyd on college:
Moorpark Community College (Moorpark, CA), 1994-95
Brandon recalls:
Community college is basically high school with cigarettes. I was doing mostly painting classes and life-drawing classes. I was drawing the human figure - nude girls and old men. Actually, it was very interesting because there were people of all walks of life that they'd bring into the class. Once, there was an attractive young woman, and it was difficult to draw her without concentrating on her boobs. The teacher would come by and yell, "Brandon! Stop with the breasts!" My favorite class was an anthropology class - the anthropology of witchcraft and religion. My final report was sort of a waking invocation ritual. We invoked a goddess around a huge bonfire at the side of the school, with the whole class watching while I was banging on a drum. As far as education is concerned, you could definitely call that higher education.
Incubus on the Korn Tour:
"The Korn tour was one of the greatest breaks Incubus has ever had. We went up to a little party they had at their recording studio one night and met them. They were really cool and I think when the possibility of bringing us on their tour presented itself, they liked our music enough to give us the opportunity. "
Brandon on the studio for SCIENCE:
"SCIENCE was done in six weeks straight through. In a very small, charming studio in Santa Monica. Very different experience, but very important on this bands existence."
Mike on recording SCIENCE :
"We like it when our stuff sounds as weird as possible" Einzinger said. "When we signed our record deal and started working on this album, we were worried that someone would come along and tell us to hold back, and try and make our songs a little more palatable. But that never happened. They kinda just said "do whatever you want" With that kind of support we just let everything kind of run wild."
Incubus on touring:
"In order to not kill each other on the bus, we trade off for the most part. What we have done is we have come to an agreement that whoever wants to sprawl out can sit in the back. Whoever wants to listen to the radio or read or just talk can sit in the front seat. The middle area is designated for reading! It's all done within five seats too."
Jose talks about the acoustic version of Pardon Me: "Starting with the Sno-Core tour Mike and Brandon had been going to radio stations. And most of the songs on our album can be played with just an acoustic guitar. So a radio station asked once if they could do it, and it was a cool idea. They were like, "Yeah definitely" So Brandon and Mike started going to these radio stations and playing acoustically, and it just started picking up. A lot of stations just kept calling and requesting it, and a lot of stations were recording them, and it just kinda took on a whole life of it's own. So, it totally came out on a whim, and it's done really well. It happened really randomly ya know?"
Mike on W. I. A. Vol. I:
We don't want to make it seem like we're trying to whore ourselves out. Mike Einziger explains the motives behind Incubus' latest EP, When Incubus Attacks, as more than just to put out records to make money. We did it for our fans, because we tend to take a long time between records. We wanted to give the people who are really, really into our music something fresh to listen to We probably won't start working on our next record until next Spring.
Personal Autobiographies written by Boyd And Mike: (from
Personal Bio:
Written By Mike Einziger
My full name is Michael Aaron Einziger and I play guitar in a silly rock band called Incubus. I was born in Los Angeles, Ca. on June 21st, 1976. My favorite color is blue (at least right now it is). My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I like to spend my spare time working on music (I'm a mad work-aholic). I can run really fast when I want to. I love Indian food. I do not have a girlfriend. I really love to play golf because it gives me a chance to hang out with my dad. I have a fat white Labador Retriever named RUFUS. And a not-so-fat Lab named BILLY. I like to play Basketball. My favorite place to go while on tour is New York City (it's fun). I have an older sister named Rachel. My little brothers Ben and Paul have a band together with Brandon's little brother called Vent. I admit that I like that Christina Aguilera song. My mom rules, she's the coolest.
I play Paul Reed Smith guitars and Mesa Boogie Amplifiers because they're the best, even though they cost a lot of money. I used to ride horses a lot when I was younger. Brandon and I did a report for school together on Tahiti when we were 11 years old. The first song that I learned how to play on the guitar was the theme song to James Bond. My first concert was the Go-Go's when I was 6, followed shortly after by Michael Jackson when I was 7. The first album I ever owned was the Soundtrack to Star Wars. My first real guitar hero was Steve Vai. I love touring in Europe. I'm not allowed to snowboard anymore for fear of snapping off one of my fingers, but thats ok, because I'm still allowed to surf. I've been surfing for 11 years. It's fun. Someday I would love to score the music for a weird major motion picture, like Beetle Juice. I love our new album, "Make Yourself". I'm good at soccer. It's hard for me to go shopping because I'm extremely indecisive. I love Bjork's music, I listen to it often. I'm not really allowed to skateboard anymore, but I do sometimes anyway. Everyone should own a Led Zeppelin album and a Police album. South Park is funny. I love anything that has to do with Space Exploration. I believe that aliens exist, but I've never seen one.
[The utterly self-fabricated]
Personal Bio:
Written By Brandon Boyd
"Nothing is true. All is permitted."
-Last words of Hassan I Sabbah X
To think that one's life is interesting enough to write about is indeed flattering. I wouldn't say though that my life was necessarily in that particular category.
For I still have a couple of nasty drug addictions to go through, a divorce or two to fight out, two filed bankruptcies, an arrest for indecent exposure and the total public annihilation of this band to bear before I can go as far as calling my life 'interesting'. Then, of course, I must tell my story on one of the myriad different television documentaries. Spill my guts, cry for the world, then put out a book called, "A Life Less Lived." (How Incubus ruined my childhood, etc, etc.) But, alas! 'Interesting' is a multi-interpretable term! And besides, a few of you have expressed desires to know the goings on in this little atmosphere of mine, so I guess I'll elucidate.
I was born in the harsh, desert climate of Van Nuys, California, where I was orphaned and taken in by a pack of hungry native coyotes. Their initial intention was to have me for an appetizer before they went on their nightly suburban feline hunt, but I survived only because the leader of the pack saw potential in me as a hunter and a spreader of coyote seed! From there, our friendship was forged, and I became known as Brandon of the Jungle. They taught me the ways of the Valley, and I quickly became one of the pack's most vocal howlers! Hence my present day ability to sing. When I was old enough, I learned to catch house pets, insects and rodents! Which is where I got these kickin' thigh muscles! At age 11, I began impressing the pack and local wild-life photographers with my skill in carpentry. I would build elaborate shelters for my family and I using the ever-abundant palm frawns, pieces of discarded twine and snot. And this is where my first encounter with my present cohorts in music came into play. I was the ripe age of 15, and was busy chasing a female coyote in heat down a dusty trail one afternoon, when I turned a corner and ran into the other guys in the band. They were sitting inside one of my more arty housings and enjoying it's refuge from the blistering California sun. I stepped inside and made the only noises I knew how, and tried to express to them my discontent for invading my space. They replied with fascination at my inhuman grunts, growls and wales, and asked me to be in their band, Incubus. I, of course, did not know at the time what they meant nor did I care. I simply started biting the shit out of the drummer's ass. Which is where Jose's fear of things canine comes into play.
Things eventually calmed down and I started to enjoy the fresh perspectives these boys brought into my reality. The guys came back every day after that and taught me to speak English and sing. WE began playing together about a month later when my powers of speech and wit began developing. And with my past experience in snot carpentry, I built us our first band rehearsal space! My taste for insects and things fury has not subsided. But I believe that those are just old habits dying hard. Luckily, we tour the Mid-west of America frequently where these delicacies are more appreciated and less persecuted! I have been in this, my first and only band, now for nine years, and have learned worlds about life, love, loss and humanity. It is and has been such a different experience from my roots as a wild, scavenger dog! But I have to say that I've enjoyed every minute of it.
Being in this band has shown me that any mutt can break the mold and prosper. And being the first orphan who was raised by wolves to be in a rock band reinforces that credo in me every day. Straying from the norm has done nothing but good for me in my 23 years alive this time around. And I will continue to do so in this sphere, for better or worse.
Now, does that not so brief description of my life deserve the title, 'Interesting'? Likely, not. You decide.
For more details about me and my further mis-adventures on deserted islands, literary discoveries, art, sex, love, hairstyles, international cuisine and general rock and roll mayhem, feel free to come into my live page!
Brandon Boyd autobiography from
I have always idolized eccentric people; old storytellers with scraggly beards, Sadhus covered in the ashes of their brothers, street performers, contortionists, mediums, magicians, painters and poets for example. They seemed to demonstrate to me the ideals that I could never find in amongst the throws of everyday life. And part of what intrigued me about this world of others was the fact that they didn't exist on the surface. You had to go 'below', so to speak, to find them. In books, rumors and shadowed corners was and is where they continue to thrive. It was in pursuit of these ideals which led me towards MUSIC and to the people I make music with. And by holding onto those things sacred to me and us we have been able to circumvent the conventionalism which frightened me into action in the first place. Which brings us to now...
Two years and two million records after the release of 'Make Yourself', we (incubus) were hell-bent on the idea of making our next record in an environment that would transcend the confinement and potential banality of the conventional recording process. We needed to continue moving forward with the ideas and adventurousness, which sparked this project into flame so many years ago. Escape that creepy, dentist's office vibe which seems to permeate every recording studio, and most importantly reinvent the concept of the 'Studio Tan'.
So, in keeping with those philosophies, we all moved into a magnificent, Malibu mansion, set up our gear in the living room with a view of the ocean, and began creating what would be our most free-flowing work to date; 'MORNING VIEW'.
Reassembling our mathemagical team of recording partners; Scott Litt (producing), Rick Will (engineering), and Dave Holdridge (Computer Nerding), we brought to life a formula that was merely whispered upon during the 'Make Yourself' sessions. Scott brought with him not only his knowledge and objectivity as a seasoned producer, but as well an infinite background in culture! With his grace and poise in fishing techniques, and a library of opinions concerning fine cheeses and wine! All time tested to be invaluable while making a record.
The easiest thing in the world would be to repeat the same equations that worked for us in the past, but with repetition would come demise. We needed to start fresh and rewire our transmitters. And in doing so, we wrote what is in my opinion our best record yet.
I hope that some who listen to it agree. I am aware that many will not, for stratospheric string orchestrations, Disney-esque, trip-hop escapades, lyrics about contentment under a full moon, and not a shred of rap in our metal usually spells trouble for a rock band with aspirations of success. But if two of you out there enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it, I will feel like we accomplished worlds. And for those who don't like it, you can bite me. Our record cover will look great even in the used CD bin.
For an overview of the record, check out 'Wish You Were Here'. A simple and straightforward ditty about the beauty of a moment in paradise. And the desire to share that moment with someone of like mind.
'Warning' tells a small story about a person who has the world at the tips of her fingers but through the art of distraction and compromise she wakes up one day to find that it has slipped by her. And the information she gains from her mistake she shares in song with the rest of the world. Kind of a 'don't do what I did' lamentation.
'Just a Phase' documents how fickle the world can be and how the only certainty that exists is that everything eventually runs it's course. Keeping this in mind and trying not to get too cynical, it points out the blessing in disguise that is 'Temporaryism' and how it can be a door that swings both ways.
'Aqueous Transmission', perhaps our most ambitious work to date, was first conceived with an instrument quite alien to Incubus and all of rock music to be precise. A 'Ko-kyu' is what was used here and it was donated by a very generous and talented man by the name of Steve Vai. One late evening we began conjuring and experimenting with this track and it quickly brought to mind the image and analogy of floating freely down a river; hence the content of the song. Our friend Suzi Katayama, who has in the past worked string arrangements with the likes of Bjork, Madonna and even Yours Truly for an acoustic performance in L.A., lent her classical finesse to this story. And in doing so helped it become exactly what we envisioned; a song so atmospheric and vibratory, it would make those who listened to it doze off into a land of rivers, kung fu and unicorns, eventually making the listener pee in her/his pants. (Attainable goals I think, but please don't operate any heavy machinery while listening to this one.)
These are but a few of the songs on a very diverse record. And though they will give a pretty good indication of the climate of this work, I would encourage listening to the entire album! Preferably while driving down your friendly, neighborhood Highway! (minus the last song)
I am sure that we are all aware of how ridiculous the idea of a band biography really is. Especially one about a band who has accomplished very little in retrospect. The word in itself (biography) invokes the thought of self importance, large unnecessary adjectives and an 8x10 picture showing you all how vain we really are. But it is a necessary evil, for now. And if it in any way, large or small allows us more time and resource to continue pursuing OUR idea of eccentricity and trancenDANCE than I am willing to bend a little. So if you have any questions regarding therapy, Pirate-Core, tour bus full contact grappling, plastic surgery, who slept with whose girlfriend and or any other inquiries... please don't hesitate to refer to our website message board, where every rumor you hear, read and or come up with all by yourself is 100% true. Cheers, -Brandon