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About Me |
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Me. the wh0re u love to hate.
The esence of life: to me life's really about a few basic things: 1. Music. It's the only thing that lets me survive day after day in this fucking hell-hold you call "Planet Earth" 2.Knowlegde. Knowing the most possible about as many subjects as possible
3. Believeing that the artists I listen to feel (or felt) the same shit I do, and that they have been able to confront it, move on and succed. 4. Having my friend's support. Other than those few select, the rest of you mundane folk can blow me if you don't like me or what I do. 5. Seeing that one special person (and I don't necesaraly mean Einziger or Boyd.) 6. Being able to HATE(yes, hate.It's very healthy to be able to do it with total sincereness) those mutherfuckers that surround me and being able to tell them in their face. 7. Wait for the day in which I'll be able to leave my house and create music, and so create my perfect little world.
My Past Lives(acording to me)
1.Worshiped Egiptian black cat 2.Victorian vampiress in Ingland. 3.Witch, who fled from Salem because she was about to be burnt to death (later married Salazar Slytherin) 4.Isadora, now a days.
I'm a really big fan of Incubus, kittie, nirvana, manson, kornsystem of a down. i like staind, sting, pod, Lobao, silverchair, sliknot, (the queen of the damned sountrack's kool) and only when im really happy can i listen to NOFX and saves the day.
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Mostly all but especially chocolate. How original right?
Here's a list of some of my favorite music: Incubus, kittie, nirvana, manson, korn, soad, silverchair, slipknot and so on
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Favorite movies:
A Clockwork Orange, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Kids, Pi: the Order Behind Caos, The Craft, Interview with a Vampire, The Dance of the Vampires.

